Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Madras...a cool place

Well, if you've been here you know I don't mean it with respect to the temperatures or the weather! It's just that it's great fun to be here. I wonder whether it'll be this good this time next year because most of my friends won't be here...they'd be busy pursuing higher studies...most of them, across a few seas.:)

Met a lot of people today. Many of them mean a lot to me. Some of them, like the juice shop guy at planet yumm, don't. Some of them made me feel good. Some of them,like the car driver who was blocking my way for more than 3 minutes in a narrow bumpy road in tharamani and gave me a cold stare when i turned back to look after overtaking his amby, did not.

I'm confused! My friends are confused! ...aren't all of us confused about something or the other all the time?...

I'll be in Madras till sunday and I think I'll watch some movie. I plan to write my first (public) movie review....let's see...

"All you need is love" ---Lennon/McCartney


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You finally posted. I like it.

Confused? I bet that, all the world is confused.

So, what the heck?


9:24 PM  

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