Monday, August 09, 2004

42 or Why I don't qualify for Finals

Biggest question in my life now is "Why Don't I Qualify for the Finals in any of the open or corporate quizzes ?"

Well some people might say that I haven't reached that level. I do agree to quite an extent because when you are really good you can recollect what you've read, heard or seen and relate two totally different things exactly when you have to (i.e., during the prelims). My quizzing ability seems to have gone down because these days I'm not able to recollect many fundae I know, at the right moment...they simply don't strike me. All the striking is when the quizmaster gives out the answers- my hand and head are involved.

This Saturday, at the Kcircle open quiz I put up what a decent quizzer would call a sad show. Forget that! The quiz was pretty good but it was old style. The thing is the quiz had lot of factual questions and it did not have any visuals or videos. Two Chennai teams took home the prizes. First was "No Questions Asked" from IITM and placed second were two of the best quizzers I know, Samanth Subramanian and Gopal Kidao (they are god level)...It was a very close race which was decided only in the last round.

Then I went with them to Outswinger (a pub) and had something called Full Toss (Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, lime juice and a few other things...quite a heady mix...literally). Then I went for my thehinduxword yahoogroup conference on messenger, where we cracked last sunday's crossie in just an hour and then I wrote a comment on Vinod's blog-

When I read that comment later I realised what I realise pretty often these days... I'm crazy!!!

On Sunday I went for the Orkut Hyderabad Community meet and met 8 guys (would've loved it even if one of them had been a girl) and had really good fun...I never realised that even strangers can have fun together, provided they have common interests and think at a similar wavelength. All these guys were great to talk to and I think I'll post regularly in that community from now on.

Monday blues !!! Having my ticket to Madras, will be there between 13th and 23rd of August. Hope to make the best of the vacation...(read- hope to qualify for Landmark finals)....

"high hopes da Abhi"- this is what each one of the many people who know me will say !!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know u r a decent quizzer in comparison to me. Never mind,u should never give-up and learn something from quizzers like me.:)lol..not that i've won any good quiz, but just that u should also look at people below you....and u'll feel happy...that u r not that bad!!!

U can always look upto me for inspiration...:)

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Abhimanyu,

U are a cool me when i say that cause i've seen u in action:-)
So don't fret, am pretty sure u'll get through in any of these open quizzes with just a little bit of luck on your side.
P.S with all ur activities, when do u actually go and WORK??!!


11:05 AM  
Blogger Abhimanyu said...

this guy who doesnt want to disclose his name is a bizquiz champ...

And Aparna, i work monday to wud've noticed that all the activities are generally only in the weekends...if i don't perform these ppl will chuck me out ! ;) ...btw why don't you update your blog ?? Romba padikkara pola irukku...

11:45 AM  
Blogger Blogger said...

Hey, just browsing through blogs.

What do u mean by "when i paint my masterpiece"?

Are you an artist?

6:52 AM  
Blogger VM said...

Hi Abhimanyu,
I came through your comment on Teju's blog. Your posts on crosswords seem interesting , I am a crossword buff too .. however the cryptic ones are way beyond me. I tried my hand at them once or twice , but got beat.
I found the TOI daily one challenging enough , but only because of its western context. I recently switched my newpaper to Indian Express where the crossword in totally in the Indian context, with clues like "indian cricket sachin -- (9)" . So u see , currently i am not doing any crosswords.
U seem an interesting person, I've bookmarked u ..
Incidentally, I've named my computer 'abhimanyu' too.. I like the name.


7:47 AM  
Blogger Vinod said...

hey Abhi, answer the landmark prelims like you answered the qs on my blog. Navin'll put you in the finals just for humour value!!!

And what's all that shit about your quizzing ability 'going down'. I'm sure there's gonna be a post with a different mood on August 16th!

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Abhimanyu,
I am a xword setter from Mumbai and do up IT xwords for Digit m'zine. Go thru' it. I will send u a lot of xwords designed by me to solve.

9:49 AM  

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